Tuesday, December 30, 2008

नाताबाद र क्रीपाबाद बिरुध मावोबादी सरकार ...रे !

मावोबादी पार्टी सरकारमा आएदेखि सँधै मावोबादी पार्टीले वा यससँग सम्वन्धीत अरु संस्थाहरुले सँधै नराम्रो मात्र गरेको सुनिन्छ । कहिले कांही त सँधै पत्रकारहरुले उनीहरुको नराम्रो मात्र लेखेको जस्तो लागेर हो कि उनीहरुले पत्रकारहरु तथा संचारमाध्यहरु माथी नै हात हालेको जस्तो लाग्छ । तर हरेक चोटी पत्रपत्रिकाहरु पढ्दा त निश्पक्ष समाचार नै पाउँछु । त्यसैले केहि दिन यता मेरो दिमागमा एउटा सोच आयो, मावोबादीहरुले के के राम्रा काम गरेका छन‌् त भन्न बारे । र मैले भटेको कुरा यहा तँपाइहरु माझ प्रस्तुत गर्दैछ ।

1.Samir Dahal (Under-secretary of PM's office), son of Prachanda's younger brother Narayan Dahal
2. Ganga Dahal (Officer of PM's office), Prachanda's younger daughter (Indian citizen)
3. Gangaram Dahal (un-appointed foreign relations officer), Prachanda's own brother
4. Renu Pathak (CA member), Prachanda's daughter
5. Arjun ... Read MorePathak (Officer of CA), Prachanda's son-in-law
6. Prakash Dahal (Prime Minister's PA/accountant), Prachanda's son, salary equal to the under-secretary
7. Narayan Dahal (CA member), Prachanda's nephew
8. Thakur Bhatta (Prachanda's brother-in-law)
9. Another son-in-law (contractor of Chitwan Cantonment)

1. Hisila Yami (Tourist Minister), Baburam's wife
2. Taranaj Pandey (PM's adviser), Baburam's nephew
3. Praya Yami (National Planning Commission), Hisila's older sister
4. Timila Yami (Chairperson of Drinking Water Project), Hisila's older sister
5. Chirik Shova (member of Kathmandu Drinking Water), Baburam's older sister

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our Hands Are Not Involved - Maoist

Maoist party has always shouted a lot about various things and done just the opposite. Above all comes their shouting for peace and democracy.

We have been hearing their speeches even before their arrival from the jungle when they were called terrorists groups. They have always said bringing peace to the country is their moto; even at those times when they were the only group against peace. But may be they succeeded to fool the us or we trusted them listening only their words and not looking at their work, they are not the government. Yet things haven't change a bit. So, have the peace arrived in our country ? or does democracy have a different meaning to them ?

It's crystal clear to everyone of us that peace seems impossible in Nepal for now and years to come, with maoist party and their youth leagues broadening their hands in killings, kidnappings, threatenings and so on. And at recent times, they haven't even left the Press who are known as the most respected group in any country.

In the past, involvement on any such crimes has been unseen by the government which has supported those involved to dare much more crimes. But a week, Himal Media incident has a different case. Those involved on that crime has been pointed out by the Press Associations and eye-witnesses. Will the government take action against those criminals ? Everyone's watching.

If it don't, then we should be clear about the maoist government that it's against Democracy and Peace. And we, the people of Nepal know what to do with them.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

हेलो, मन्त्री ज्यू ठिक भयो त फुटपाथ ?

हालैको कुरा भन्नु पर्छ, हाम्रा मन्त्री बामदेवले जुवाघरहरुमा नेपालीको प्रबेश बन्द गराउने, फुटपाथ सफा राख्ने जस्ता कुराहरु गरेर जनताहरुको अगाडी, अहिलेको गफ मात्र हान्ने सरकारको मन्त्री भएपनि म चै काम पनि गर्छु है भनेर देखाउन खुब खोजे । अर्को शब्दमा भन्नु पर्दा जनताको अगाडी नायकै बन्न खोजे र केहि हदसम्म त सफल पनि भए भन्नुपर्छ । तर...

तर एकाएक, क्यासिनोका कर्मचारीहरुले करोडौंको घुष मागेको कुरा सबुत सहित ल्याउन सक्छौं भनेर विभिन्न संचारमाध्यमहरुमा आएपछि त्यो कुरा त्यसै तुहियो । त्यसपछि आयो फुटपाथको कुरा । फुटपाथ पनि सुरुमा त सफा नै पारे तर अहिले फेरि जस्ताको तस्तै छ । कि मन्त्रीलाइ उनीहरुले पनि डिमान्ड पुर्याइदिए ?

आजभोलि तिनै पहिला फुटपाथ सफा पार्न तम्सिने प्रहरीहरु ति फुटपाथ व्यपारीहरुसँग गफ गर्दै बसिरहेका भेटिन्छन्‌ । हामीले त्यस्तै एक प्रहरीलाइ किन फुटपाथबाट अवैद्ब व्यापार हटाइदैन आजकाल भनेर सोध्दा उनी भन्छन्, त्यतिबेला आदेश थियो अहिले छैन । अझ यो सुन्दा अचम्म लाग्न सक्छ कि, नेपालका विभिन्न नगरपालिकाहरुले पहिल्यै देखि ति फुटपाथ व्यापारीहरुसँग कर उठाउँदै आएका छन् र आज पनि उठाउने क्रम जारी छ ।

त्यो बेला जनताको अगाडी नायक बन्न तम्सिएका मन्त्री ज्यूलाइ हाम्रो मात्र एउटा प्रश्न :

"हेलो, मन्त्री ज्यू ठिक भयो त फुटपाथ ?"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

हत्यारा रक्सी र ट्राफिक प्रहरी

20 killed in Nepal school bus accident

KATMANDU, Nepal -- A crowded school bus skidded off a bridge on a highway in southern Nepal, killing at least 20 students and two teachers, police said Friday. At least 57 others were injured.

The bus was returning from a school picnic late Thursday when it plunged off the highway near Mukundapur village, about 125 miles (200 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Katmandu.

Police official Len Pratap Sen said all of the students were teenagers. The 57 injured were treated at several hospitals, Sen said.

An initial investigation indicated the bus was speeding, he said.

Accidents are common in Nepal, where both roads and vehicles are poorly maintained and there are no speed limits on highways.


यो समाचार नपढेका वा भनौं यो बारे नसुनेका कमै होला । सानो गल्तीले ती निर्दोषहरुको ज्यान गयो तर सरकारले केहि बोलेन । के साँच्चै सरकारले बोल्नुपर्ने कुनै कुरै थिएन त ? हामी भन्छौं त्यस दुर्घटना हुनुको पछाडी गल्ती वा दोष सरकारको पनि थियो ।

रक्सीको व्यापार व्यवस्थीत भएको दाबी गर्ने सरकारले यो घटनाको मुल कारण नै अवैध रुपमा बेचिएको रक्सी हो भन्ने प्रष्ट हुँदा पनि किन यसबारे केहि नबोलेको ?

अर्कातिर, ट्राफिक प्रहरी र ट्राफिक अनुशासनलाइ काठमाण्डौ मै मात्र सिमित राखेर सरकारले गरेको अर्को भुलको नतिजा पनि हो यस दुर्घटना ।

अझै यस्तै घटनाहरुको समाचार कुरेर बस्ने हो कि यस बारे केहि गर्ने हो सरकारले

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Indian Idolमा होइन, जीन्दगीको दौडमा जिताउँ

अघिल्लो वर्ष Indian Idolमा नेपाली भाषी प्रशान्त पुगेका थिए, संसारभरका नेपालीहरुले उसलाइ करोडौ खर्चेर जिताए । त्यस जितमा नेपालीहरुले जहाँ के के नै भएको झैं खुशीयाली मनाए भने उता भारतमा Indian Idol कार्यक्रमकाहरु भने नेपालबाट भोटको रुपमा आएको पैसाले मख्ख थिए । अर्कातिर, Indian Idol नै जितेका प्रशान्तको जीवनस्तरमा हालसम्म पनि कुनै परिवर्तन पक्कै छैन ।

एउटा सानो पर्दाको कार्यक्रममा जिताउनको लागि करोडौं खर्चिनु के उचित थियो त ? के त्यसरी भोटमा खर्चिनु भन्दा प्रशान्तलाइ नै एल्वम आदि बनाउन नगद सहयोग गरेको भए नेपाल र नेपालीको शिर उच्च हुने थिएन ? हुन सक्छ, त्यसबेलाको अनुभव पहिलो चोटि भएर पनि हो, तर यस वर्ष नेपालबाटै भोट गर्न मिल्ने गराएको Indian Idolमा भोट दिएर आफुलाइ मुर्खको दर्जा नदिउँ ।

यस वर्ष हाल सम्म रहेका नेपाली भाषी कपिल थापालाइ Indian Idolमा होइन, उनको जीन्दगीको दौडमा जिताइ, संसारमै नेपाल र नेपालीको शीर उच्च पारौं ।

जय नेपाल

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Who's Bam Dev to obey ?

With new government, came trial of new changes. From shutting down dance bars to stopping Nepalese entrance into casinos to cleaning up footpaths, Bab Dev have tried making changes as per their Naya Nepal slogan. But things aren't as clear as it looks.

Protest were on when dance bars were forced to be shut down. During that time, bar workers protest againsted not just against that decision but also against not providing other optional oppertunities. And they when the casino issue came up, people involved in that sector, spoke out in media about most government officials entrance inside those casinos. Some casino management also blamed Bam Dev asking for few crore rupees to run their casinos as earlier days. Such factual blames have made people easy to undersand Bam Dev's hunger for a change. And this has effected the clean up process of the footpaths directly.

Footpaths were seen clean for few days in the beginning. But now it is again changed to as it was ealier. When we asked the footpath business people, they say : "Who's Bam Dev to obey ?"