Tuesday, December 30, 2008

नाताबाद र क्रीपाबाद बिरुध मावोबादी सरकार ...रे !

मावोबादी पार्टी सरकारमा आएदेखि सँधै मावोबादी पार्टीले वा यससँग सम्वन्धीत अरु संस्थाहरुले सँधै नराम्रो मात्र गरेको सुनिन्छ । कहिले कांही त सँधै पत्रकारहरुले उनीहरुको नराम्रो मात्र लेखेको जस्तो लागेर हो कि उनीहरुले पत्रकारहरु तथा संचारमाध्यहरु माथी नै हात हालेको जस्तो लाग्छ । तर हरेक चोटी पत्रपत्रिकाहरु पढ्दा त निश्पक्ष समाचार नै पाउँछु । त्यसैले केहि दिन यता मेरो दिमागमा एउटा सोच आयो, मावोबादीहरुले के के राम्रा काम गरेका छन‌् त भन्न बारे । र मैले भटेको कुरा यहा तँपाइहरु माझ प्रस्तुत गर्दैछ ।

1.Samir Dahal (Under-secretary of PM's office), son of Prachanda's younger brother Narayan Dahal
2. Ganga Dahal (Officer of PM's office), Prachanda's younger daughter (Indian citizen)
3. Gangaram Dahal (un-appointed foreign relations officer), Prachanda's own brother
4. Renu Pathak (CA member), Prachanda's daughter
5. Arjun ... Read MorePathak (Officer of CA), Prachanda's son-in-law
6. Prakash Dahal (Prime Minister's PA/accountant), Prachanda's son, salary equal to the under-secretary
7. Narayan Dahal (CA member), Prachanda's nephew
8. Thakur Bhatta (Prachanda's brother-in-law)
9. Another son-in-law (contractor of Chitwan Cantonment)

1. Hisila Yami (Tourist Minister), Baburam's wife
2. Taranaj Pandey (PM's adviser), Baburam's nephew
3. Praya Yami (National Planning Commission), Hisila's older sister
4. Timila Yami (Chairperson of Drinking Water Project), Hisila's older sister
5. Chirik Shova (member of Kathmandu Drinking Water), Baburam's older sister

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our Hands Are Not Involved - Maoist

Maoist party has always shouted a lot about various things and done just the opposite. Above all comes their shouting for peace and democracy.

We have been hearing their speeches even before their arrival from the jungle when they were called terrorists groups. They have always said bringing peace to the country is their moto; even at those times when they were the only group against peace. But may be they succeeded to fool the us or we trusted them listening only their words and not looking at their work, they are not the government. Yet things haven't change a bit. So, have the peace arrived in our country ? or does democracy have a different meaning to them ?

It's crystal clear to everyone of us that peace seems impossible in Nepal for now and years to come, with maoist party and their youth leagues broadening their hands in killings, kidnappings, threatenings and so on. And at recent times, they haven't even left the Press who are known as the most respected group in any country.

In the past, involvement on any such crimes has been unseen by the government which has supported those involved to dare much more crimes. But a week, Himal Media incident has a different case. Those involved on that crime has been pointed out by the Press Associations and eye-witnesses. Will the government take action against those criminals ? Everyone's watching.

If it don't, then we should be clear about the maoist government that it's against Democracy and Peace. And we, the people of Nepal know what to do with them.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

हेलो, मन्त्री ज्यू ठिक भयो त फुटपाथ ?

हालैको कुरा भन्नु पर्छ, हाम्रा मन्त्री बामदेवले जुवाघरहरुमा नेपालीको प्रबेश बन्द गराउने, फुटपाथ सफा राख्ने जस्ता कुराहरु गरेर जनताहरुको अगाडी, अहिलेको गफ मात्र हान्ने सरकारको मन्त्री भएपनि म चै काम पनि गर्छु है भनेर देखाउन खुब खोजे । अर्को शब्दमा भन्नु पर्दा जनताको अगाडी नायकै बन्न खोजे र केहि हदसम्म त सफल पनि भए भन्नुपर्छ । तर...

तर एकाएक, क्यासिनोका कर्मचारीहरुले करोडौंको घुष मागेको कुरा सबुत सहित ल्याउन सक्छौं भनेर विभिन्न संचारमाध्यमहरुमा आएपछि त्यो कुरा त्यसै तुहियो । त्यसपछि आयो फुटपाथको कुरा । फुटपाथ पनि सुरुमा त सफा नै पारे तर अहिले फेरि जस्ताको तस्तै छ । कि मन्त्रीलाइ उनीहरुले पनि डिमान्ड पुर्याइदिए ?

आजभोलि तिनै पहिला फुटपाथ सफा पार्न तम्सिने प्रहरीहरु ति फुटपाथ व्यपारीहरुसँग गफ गर्दै बसिरहेका भेटिन्छन्‌ । हामीले त्यस्तै एक प्रहरीलाइ किन फुटपाथबाट अवैद्ब व्यापार हटाइदैन आजकाल भनेर सोध्दा उनी भन्छन्, त्यतिबेला आदेश थियो अहिले छैन । अझ यो सुन्दा अचम्म लाग्न सक्छ कि, नेपालका विभिन्न नगरपालिकाहरुले पहिल्यै देखि ति फुटपाथ व्यापारीहरुसँग कर उठाउँदै आएका छन् र आज पनि उठाउने क्रम जारी छ ।

त्यो बेला जनताको अगाडी नायक बन्न तम्सिएका मन्त्री ज्यूलाइ हाम्रो मात्र एउटा प्रश्न :

"हेलो, मन्त्री ज्यू ठिक भयो त फुटपाथ ?"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

हत्यारा रक्सी र ट्राफिक प्रहरी

20 killed in Nepal school bus accident

KATMANDU, Nepal -- A crowded school bus skidded off a bridge on a highway in southern Nepal, killing at least 20 students and two teachers, police said Friday. At least 57 others were injured.

The bus was returning from a school picnic late Thursday when it plunged off the highway near Mukundapur village, about 125 miles (200 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Katmandu.

Police official Len Pratap Sen said all of the students were teenagers. The 57 injured were treated at several hospitals, Sen said.

An initial investigation indicated the bus was speeding, he said.

Accidents are common in Nepal, where both roads and vehicles are poorly maintained and there are no speed limits on highways.


यो समाचार नपढेका वा भनौं यो बारे नसुनेका कमै होला । सानो गल्तीले ती निर्दोषहरुको ज्यान गयो तर सरकारले केहि बोलेन । के साँच्चै सरकारले बोल्नुपर्ने कुनै कुरै थिएन त ? हामी भन्छौं त्यस दुर्घटना हुनुको पछाडी गल्ती वा दोष सरकारको पनि थियो ।

रक्सीको व्यापार व्यवस्थीत भएको दाबी गर्ने सरकारले यो घटनाको मुल कारण नै अवैध रुपमा बेचिएको रक्सी हो भन्ने प्रष्ट हुँदा पनि किन यसबारे केहि नबोलेको ?

अर्कातिर, ट्राफिक प्रहरी र ट्राफिक अनुशासनलाइ काठमाण्डौ मै मात्र सिमित राखेर सरकारले गरेको अर्को भुलको नतिजा पनि हो यस दुर्घटना ।

अझै यस्तै घटनाहरुको समाचार कुरेर बस्ने हो कि यस बारे केहि गर्ने हो सरकारले

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Indian Idolमा होइन, जीन्दगीको दौडमा जिताउँ

अघिल्लो वर्ष Indian Idolमा नेपाली भाषी प्रशान्त पुगेका थिए, संसारभरका नेपालीहरुले उसलाइ करोडौ खर्चेर जिताए । त्यस जितमा नेपालीहरुले जहाँ के के नै भएको झैं खुशीयाली मनाए भने उता भारतमा Indian Idol कार्यक्रमकाहरु भने नेपालबाट भोटको रुपमा आएको पैसाले मख्ख थिए । अर्कातिर, Indian Idol नै जितेका प्रशान्तको जीवनस्तरमा हालसम्म पनि कुनै परिवर्तन पक्कै छैन ।

एउटा सानो पर्दाको कार्यक्रममा जिताउनको लागि करोडौं खर्चिनु के उचित थियो त ? के त्यसरी भोटमा खर्चिनु भन्दा प्रशान्तलाइ नै एल्वम आदि बनाउन नगद सहयोग गरेको भए नेपाल र नेपालीको शिर उच्च हुने थिएन ? हुन सक्छ, त्यसबेलाको अनुभव पहिलो चोटि भएर पनि हो, तर यस वर्ष नेपालबाटै भोट गर्न मिल्ने गराएको Indian Idolमा भोट दिएर आफुलाइ मुर्खको दर्जा नदिउँ ।

यस वर्ष हाल सम्म रहेका नेपाली भाषी कपिल थापालाइ Indian Idolमा होइन, उनको जीन्दगीको दौडमा जिताइ, संसारमै नेपाल र नेपालीको शीर उच्च पारौं ।

जय नेपाल

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Who's Bam Dev to obey ?

With new government, came trial of new changes. From shutting down dance bars to stopping Nepalese entrance into casinos to cleaning up footpaths, Bab Dev have tried making changes as per their Naya Nepal slogan. But things aren't as clear as it looks.

Protest were on when dance bars were forced to be shut down. During that time, bar workers protest againsted not just against that decision but also against not providing other optional oppertunities. And they when the casino issue came up, people involved in that sector, spoke out in media about most government officials entrance inside those casinos. Some casino management also blamed Bam Dev asking for few crore rupees to run their casinos as earlier days. Such factual blames have made people easy to undersand Bam Dev's hunger for a change. And this has effected the clean up process of the footpaths directly.

Footpaths were seen clean for few days in the beginning. But now it is again changed to as it was ealier. When we asked the footpath business people, they say : "Who's Bam Dev to obey ?"

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Peace Impossible Without YCL - Prime Minister

A month back, when the YCL issue was to be addressed by the Prime Minister - Prachanda, he clearly said that peace wouldn't have come in Nepal if there were no YCL. So, shouldn't just break it down." It was a shocking address by Prachanda in the cabinet and people even thought of a better change in the YCL. But it is now much worst.

15-year olds Ritesh Rauniyar and Ashish Manandhar disappeared on November 15. Actually, there were kidnapped by the YCLs as per those who saw the incident live. Their family were made helpless by the police also because of the incident was done by YCLs, a government running maoist party followers. Yesterday- Nov 26, their dead bodies were recovered from a jungle in Gumalchowki, Thankot. And the so-called police force are still acting like statues.

Is this what maoist government and police force under them is all about. ? Is this what YCL will be doing forever ? If it is, we, the people won't just sit and watch. And maoist leaders beware, "We the people are the one who brought you where you are now, and we have the power to throw you people out from there into a shit.

And YCLs, enough is enough. Don't take our patience as fear.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Naya Nepal Ko Politics, Maoist Style

With slogans of 'Naya Nepal' as the hottest happening, Nepal has now seen a never seen before style of politics in recent years. And those making it happen are the communist party, Maoist.

Still labeled as terrorist in USA, maoist party have been playing games since they came out from the jungle stopping their violence. And it hasn't stopped yet. So, what actually their style ?

There's a well-known proverb of "Two Tongues". But it has never been used on politicians, as though they never used fullfill their promises, they used to promise same to everyone. But maoist politicians in a hurry to do something different are doing extra ordinary, are speaking different things at different places and situations. Their speeches differs on every place they go. They speak about new homes and free education infront of poors, they speak about throwing poor foothpath business people infront of retailers. They speak about border protection infront of the people living at Nepal-India borders, but while visiting India they thank India for bullshits. They speak about illegal entrance of Nepalese in Casinos, behind that they ask for crores for not doing it for the casino owners. They speak for peace and security, but they are still killing people.

Actually, there are thousands of proofs about maoist being two tonguers. May be that's their style.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Nepali Models Nude Pictures - Why Fake ?

We have been hearing about NAYA NEPAL few months before the recent election. Though there hasn't been such changes in the country to call itself a newer one, there has definitely been drastic development in some sectors. Among them is Modelling sector. Nepali women who used live most of their life inside her house are now free as bird, and now are flying higher than men can even think of.

Recent years has been a blast for models and those who love watching them their way. Good or bad, models are now treating themselves like in hollywood. We barely see them wearing full clothes, wearing a national dress, GUNYO CHOLO is a daydream. With semi-nude pictures of most of the models, those in a sari are hardly believed as models.

Yet, questions becomes headlines when fake nude pictures and videos are spread out. But why ? Are originals any different than fake ones ? Models are now posing almost nude for glamour websites. Topless pictures has been a trend. Even those who can't dare are crossing the limits as a Nepali. There are pictures of models with no Bras, and some throwing the TOPs. Aren't those pictures as nude as fake pictures and MMS ?

Why Fake then ?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nepal Isn't Just Kathmandu - Governent Still Bias

This is a issue brought long back by the nepali people living out of the capital city. Whoever comes in the government has been biased about it and those calling themselves as politicians of the poor, Maoist are doing the same again.

Recently, the government announced to clean up of the footpath businesses as footpaths are made for people to walk. But even in such issue, the government has proven itself bias. Footpaths of Kathmandu looks fresh now, with no thelaz and other footpath business disturbing the traffic. It's quiet good to see it. But people here in the capital city don't know that, elsewhere it hasn't change a bit. It's still the same. Government isn't giving its full effort to clean up the country's foothpath. It's just revolving around Chitwan. Why do government forget that whole country votes on any election ?

Government need to think it quick, or this new ones won't be different from those old parties. On the other hand, maoist party running the government shouldn't also forget most of those who voted on their favour on the last election were poors which also includes foothpath business people.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

British Council Affiliates & Monopoly

Because of Nepal's political condition and as a trend, Nepali students are going abroad and the numbers are increasingly rapidly. Taking such condition into consideration, British Council affiliates who conduct British Council's are running a monopoly market.

British Council is one of the biggest name, which results its affiliates to stand ahead compared to others in various terms. One such in IELTS preparation. British Council affiliates or Exam centers in many places of Nepal are acting like a branch of British Council and on the other hand, conducting IELTS classes. This has made the students think that, it's the British Council who's organising the preparation classes, though it isn't true.

Yet again, these days, those exam centers have updated some of their policies. One of those is, those who join their preparation class must also do their abroad study processing from their institution only. Isn't it an unfair monopoly being done by such reputed firm (British Council Affiliated Institution) ?

Isn't British Council responsible for it ? If this matter is taken into consideration, British Council shouldn't allow their affiliates to run any IELTS preparation classes or any abroad study counciling center.
We hope British Council will understand the gravity of the matter and bring a change very soon.

Monday, November 17, 2008

फेरि फकिए राम बहाढुर

Photo Coourtesy: Annapurna Post

नाम सुन्दा को हो र जस्तो लाग्छ तर नव बुद्ध भन्नासाथ सबैको याद ताजा हुन्छ । हो केहि वर्षयता देश तथा विदेश मै ठूलो तहल्का मच्चाउने राम बहादुर बम्जनको कुरा हो यो । ध्यान गर्न गाह्रो भएको भन्दै अचानक गायब भएका राम बहादुर हालै फेरि देखा परेका छन् । अब सत्य तथ्य खोज्ने कि -

जंगलको बीचमा केहि सेवन नगरी ध्यानमा बसेर आफुलाई गौतम बुद्धको अवतारको रुपमा चिनाउने, राम बहादुर केहि दिन यता अचानक देखापरेर सबैलाई दङ्ग पारेका छन् । तर के साच्चै उनी बुद्धको अवतार नै हुन् त - केहि भन्छन् यो कलियुगमा कुनै अवतारको जन्म हुनु असम्भव छ र केहि भने उनी साच्चै बुद्धको अवतार मन्दै पुजा गर्ने तथा दान दिने गरि रहेका छन् । अर्कातिर अहिलेका बै ज्ञानिका युगकाहरु यसलाई केवल ढोङ्गको रुपमा हेछन् ।

तथ्य हेर्ने हो भने, राम बहादुर पहिलो चोटि गायब हुनु अघि उनलाई चढाइएको र दान पेटिकामा दान दिएको रकम करोडौं थियो । त्योबारे अहिले कोहि केहि बोलेको छैन र कतिलाई याद पनि छैन । कहाँ गयो त त्यत्रो पैसा ? केमा प्रयोग भयो होला अर्कातिर, शान्तिको खोजीमा ध्यान बस्दै आएका राम बहादुर, अहिले अचानक आएर स्टेजमा माइक समातेर प्रवचन गर्न थाल्नुलाई के भन्ने ?

यसबारे सरकारले पनि केहि छानबीन गर्ने होकि ? अनि, जनता आफै पनि जागरुक हुन जरुरी छ ।

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Music Video Directors - VJs - Help !

Few years back, Nepali music video was at its golden period. There's no second thought on it. But instead of development on this field, people are pushing it backward esp. in terms of quality. And the reason is quiet simple. It's the VJs.

When a music video is ready for airplay, VJs are the one to decide which plays when and how many times. And, since music video is what makes a album successful or trash, VJs play vital role in any artists' career. Seeing such open oppertunity and because of their greed, VJs are directing music videos.

VJs are meant to host a television program, and not to direct anything. Frankly speaking, nepali VJs hardly know what music video direction is, but they do direct videos. On the other hand, music artists and bands have no other option than video with them because if they make video with any other serious music video director, the VJs wont' play their song on television channels.

Yet both ways, artists and bands are suffering. VJs can't make good music videos and serious director made ones won't be played in channels. So, what can be done ?

Friday, November 14, 2008

No Nepali This Time - Indian Idol

We all know what Indian Idol is all about, as last year Nepalese worldwide spent more than Rs.50 Crore for Prashant Tamang to make him a winnner. So, whom are you going to vote this year ?

On the third season of the Indian Idol, a boy from the Gorkhaland made history winning the title. Frankly speaking he wasn't a Nepali though. He was speaking Indian. Loads of vote came from Nepalese worldwide. But this season, it's a different story.

This year, there's any Nepali speaking indian in the IDOL. No Tamang or Giri or any with Nepali alike cast. So, will Nepalese worldwide vote this time ? If yes, this can result few Crores for the Indian Idol organisers. But who'll they vote ? There's no nepali speaker or alike.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nepali Political Rappers - Picture Speaks

We all know most rappers hardly sing, they just speak bullshits. And We feel they aren't different:

People on the frame:
Madhav Kumar Nepal - Nepal Communist Leader (On White Coat)
Puspa Kamal Dahal 'prachanda' - Prime Minister (On White Tshirt with Chain)
Babu Ram Bhattarai - Minister (Behind prachanda With Just Head Seen)
Girija Prasad Koirala - Ex-Prime Minister (On Black Tshirt)
Gynendra Shah - Used to be King (On Blue Dress), and
Jhala Nath Khanal - Minister (Sitting with Brown dress)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Aishwarya Rai Topless Ever

Though debut as one of the worst performer in bollywood, Aishwarya has till now been able to make of place of her own. Till Dhoom2, she was also on limelight for not kissing any actor on screen. But what's done is done forever. Aish once shooted topless for a magazine and it back again.

At the beginning of her modelling career, Aishwarya Rai was offered topless photo shoot for IMAGE magazine's coverpage. Along with her was well-known male model Milind Suman. Here we share that same picture that has now been a headache for the Bachchan Family these days:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Inside Story : Drug Rehab Center

With more and more teenagers going for drugs, Drugs has been a serious threat in Nepal. Though no government is seeing it, there are rehab centers mostly funded by donars abroad. And for their drugless purpose, rehabs are a well-respected organisation. But these days faces seem changing.

Rehabs are here for long time helping cure drug addicts. There were also rumours of different other drugs being used to stop the addicts' habit of some known ones. As rehabs are all full of addicts, leting them do their job their way could have been a mistake. On the other hand, there are cured addicts around us moving with a different life. Yet the face we see of rehabs aren't that simple and innocent. It's different.

Recently, pictures of Nepali rehabs has been posted in many social network sites like mySpace, FaceBook, Hi5 and few other. One of those is the picture above. These picture are clearly showing what happens inside rehabs. So, parents need to aware of that, if their son/daughter is a addict and they are sending them to a rehab for cure.

And, recently hacking into a rehab's computer, I have found out that they are donated 1 crore Nepali Rupees to be spent in 6 months. I guess most others in Nepal get paid the same or even more. So, where are those money going ? For more drugs ?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

In Aid of Street Childern Concerts

Whenever a season of celebration arrives, concerts are the hottest happenning. May it be dashain, tihar, shivaraatri and even other's newyear; concerts are always there to entertain. And most of them have same slogan, "In Aid of Street Children. So, are they really for the street children's aid ?

Definitely Not. If such events would aid street children, there surely would be no street children left on the roads round the country. Whenever such sloganed concerts happen, people come enjoy and go without even thinking if the organisers will even pay a paisa in aid for the street children. Actually it's a government business to monitor about that matter, but shouldn't we be aware about that too ?

Next time before you go back home from a concert, will you try asking those organisers which organisation are they donating ? And on the other hand, we request Chief District Officers to be clear about such matters before they give permissions to such organisers.

Please help street children for real than digesting everything on their name.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Internet Killing Kollywood

Internet has been one of the greatest achievement for us. Though it' quiet known for doing just the opposite. Being beneficial one way, it has made some's nightmare true another way. One of those who are seeing their nightmares in real is Nepali Film Industry - Kollywood.

The history of Nepali films hasn't been much long. And again, it seems much shorter because most of those in this industry are unprofessionals. Almost all of them are into this field because of their hobby. From actors to script writers to directors to producers to cinematographers; no one knows about their work in real. With such team of movie makers, what do we expect ? Definitely no way a good movie. This has been the main reason why Nepali (kollywood) movies aren't progressing in terms of quality.

And now there's another on their way. It's the internet. These days kollywood movies are published on the internet, which is reducing its viewers to few thousand. Such activities are mostly being done by Nepalese living abroad for their personal income.

We asked one of those website's webmaster why are they doing such crime; his answer was, "Crime ! Who Care ? Those kollywood movie makers who have hardly any knowledge of their work, may not even know their movies are being published on the internet. In one way, its good for them that we are promoting Nepali movies. On the other hand, even if they are known about this, there's hardly anyone literate to file a case against us. And even if their is one, where will they file their case ? In Nepal ? That won't work ?"

This seems a serious issue not just to the kollywood movie makers but also for Nepali music companies and artists as its happenning with the music field too. If government supports, it is possible to push those criminals to prison.

Friday, November 7, 2008

तार्पिन तेल मिसाएको पेट्रोल र सरकारको बोली

पेट्रोल डिजलको भाउ अन्तराष्ट्रिय बजारमा सस्तो हुँदा पनि नेपालमा त्यसको मुल्य नघटेकोले जनताले सरकारको नक्सानै बदलिदिने होकि भन्ने सरकार चलाईरहेकाहरुलाई डर थियो । त्यसैले अन्तराष्ट्रिय बजार अनुसार नै नेपालमा पनि पेट्रोल डिजलको भाउमा हरेक महिना परिवर्तन ल्याउने सरकारले घोषणा गर्यो । गर्नु त गर्यो तर कसरी ?

मटितेल मसाएर चलिरहेको नेपाली पेट्रोलको बजारमा, यसको भाउ घटाउनै पर्ने जनताको आदेश पछि सरकारले हाल मटितेल भन्दा सस्तो तार्पिन तेल मिसाउन थालेका छन् । जसले गर्दा पेट्रोल प्रयोग हुने साधनहरु एकाएक बिग्रीन थालेका छन् । उता सरकार भने सरकारले आपुर्र्ति गरेका कुनै पनि किसिमका तेलहरुमा कुनै मिसावट नभएको बताउछन् । सरकारको यस्तो बोलिले उपभोगताहरुलाई झन् आक्रोशित बनाएको छ । वर्षौदेखि पेट्रोलमा मटितेल मिसिदैं आएको कसलै थाहा छैन - अझ, अहिले झन् मिसावटको हदै पार गर्दा पनि कुनै मिसावट छैन भन्न यो सरकारलाई लाज लाग्दैन ?

तेलमा तार्पिन तेल मिसिएको खुद मटरसाइकल बनाउनेहरुले विभिन्न टेलिभिजनमा प्रत्क्षय देखाउँदा सम्म अझ मोटरमाइकल मै खराबी हो भनेर सरकारले के बुझाउन खोजेको हो त ? यो त अत्ति नै भयो । हाल सम्म त मटितेल मिसाएको पेट्रोल प्रयोग गर्दा पनि उपभोगताहरु मौन नै थिए, तर हालको सरकारको यस्तो घटिया व्यवहारले गर्दा अब त १०० प्रतिशत शुद्ध पट्रोल नै चाहिन्छ नत्र यो सरकार धेरै टिक्दैन ।

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

सरकारले रोगको सुइ लगाउन अझै छाडेन जनतालाई

विदेशीहरुले कहिले काहिं ठट्टा गरेको सुनिन्छ, "जीवनमा कम्तीमा एक चोटि बिरामी हुने सौ भात्य भए नेपाल जान पाइन्छ ।" यसलाई सकारात्मक रुपमा लिएर यसो हाम्रो वरपर हेर्ने हो भने यो कुरा बाह्र टक्कै साँचो हो भन्ने पुष्टी हुन्छ । यो वषौं देखि सुनिदै आएको कुरा हो र हाल सम्म आइपुग्दा, ठूलै परिवर्तनको भाषण दिने मावोबादी सरकारमा हुँदासम्म स्थीति त्यस्तै छ ।

नेपाल संसारकै सबैभन्दा गरिब देशहरुमा पर्छ । यस्तै सबैभन्दा फेहरी देशहरुको नाम लिंदा, ने पालको नाम पनि छुट्दैन । तर कुनै बेला हाल सरकारमा भएकाहरुले यस्ता लाज मर्दो सुचीहरुबाट नेपाललाई टाढा राख्ने वाचा गरेका थिए । खै त, भोट कमायो, सरकार बनायो, बिर्सीयो आफुले बोलेका कुराहरु ?
हावामा फोहर, पानी त्यस्तै फोहर, बाटोमा हिड्दा त्यस्तै फोहर । कतै फोहर नदेख्नको लागि आँखै चिम्लेर हिडेपनि, त्यस्तै गनाउने । यस्तै फोहरहरुले गर्दा सबै बिरामीका बिरामी । लाग्छ, सरकारले जनतालाई रोगको सुइ अझै हाल्न छोडेका छैनन् ।

Monday, November 3, 2008

Kathmandu Marathon - Race Without Rules

We are always awaiting for a prasing issue, but things are always different. May be there aren't Mr. Perfects in Nepal and not even wannabes. Yesterday, Kathmandu Marathon went alike, proving itself as a race without rules.

While registering the participants for the marathon and even before the event began, the organiors clearly mentioned that, rules as per IAAF will be followed. So, as per that rule, participants weren't allowed to have anything except water. But the scene was different in the race. Even the winner - Rajendra Bhandari was seen breaking the rules and he was still announced as a winner. A reminder, Rajendra Bhandari is the same guy whose two gold medals were taken back by the 8th SAF Games official after finding him using drugs in the event.

One of the participants of the marathon, Arjun Dhakal publicly protested against what happened in the Marathon along with few other participants. But organisors were speechless. We hope such things won't happen in the future. Yet, we are confident that such shameful things will repeat in future

After all its in Nepal.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

दिदिबहिनी दाजुभाई नभएकाहरुको भाई टिका

हरेक वर्षदशैं पछि मनाइने अर्का ठूलो चाड, तिहार हिजो भर्खर सिद्धिएकोछ । यस पर्वको अन्तिम दिन भाईटिकामा दिदिबहिनीहरुले आफ्ना दाजुभाईहरुलाई टिका लगाइदिने चलन छ । अर्कातिर, दिदिबहिनी नभएका वा दाजुभाई नभएकाहरु केहि वर्षअघिसम्म मन खिन्न बनाई बस्ने गरेतापनि हाल आएर उनीहरुकमा पनि खुशीको परिवर्तन आएको छ ।

भनिन्छ, भाईटिकाको दिन यमराजले टिका थापिरहेका दाजुभाईको मृत्यु पनि माफ गर्छन् रे । यहि भनाईलाई आत्मसाथ गरी होस् वा चलि आएको चलनको रुपमा लिई, यस दिन, दाजुभाईहरुले आफ्ना दिदिबहिनीहरुको हातबाट टिका थाप्छन् । टिका थापेपछि दाजुभार्इ हरुबाट उपहार पाउनु पनि दिदिबहिनीहरुको लागि छुट्टै रमाइलो हुन्छ । दाजुभाई दिदिबहिनी हुनेलाई त यो चाड अत्यन्त रमाईलो हुन्छ, तर केहि वर्षअघिसम्म नभएकाहरुलाई दाजुभाई वा दिदिबहिनी नभएको याद दिलाउने नरमाइलो चाड हुन्थ्यो ।

तर, हाल यो फरक छ, र यस चाडमा ठूलै र राम्रो परिवर्तन आएको छ । अब दिदिबहिनी वा दाजुभाई नभएकाहरुले पनि भाईटिका हषर् का साथ मनाउँछन् । काठमान्डौ स्थित रानीपोखरी यस दिन दाजुमाई नभएका दिदिबहिनीहरु टिका लगाईदिन बस्ने गर्छन् । र दिदिबहिनीहरु नभएकाहरु पनि त्यहाँ टिका लगाउन भिड हुन्छन् । काटमारको समाचार सामान्य भईसकेको हाम्रो देश नेपालमा, रगतको नाता जस्तै भावनाको नातालाई पनि भाईटिकाको दिन पारेर इज्जत दिनुले सच्चा नेपालीको मानवीय स्वभावलाई दर्साउछ ।

Friday, October 31, 2008

बाडीपिडितको लागि जनताले उठाएको पैसा पचाए प्रधानमन्त्रीले

केहि समय अघि कोशी बाडीको घटना नेपालीहरुले अझै भुल्न सकेका छैनन् । देश भित्रका र देश बाहिर बसोबास गर्दै आएका नेपालीहरुले पिडितहरुको सहयोगको लागि प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई करोडौं बुझाएका थिए । तर सुन्दा अचम्म लाग्न सक्छ कि त्यो उठेको रकम प्रधानमन्त्रीले पचाएका छन् ।

केहि समय अघि सप्तकोशीको बाँध फुटेर हजारौं नेपाली बेघर भए, कतिको त कोशीले ज्यान समेत लियो । त्यसबेला, सरकारले भारतलाई दोष दिने बाहेक अरु केहि गरेन । फलस्वरुप देश विदेशमा रहेका नेपालीहरुले ति पिडितहरुको राहत र पुनर्बासको लागि करोडौं उठाएर प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई जिम्मा दिए । तर हालसम्म पनि ति पिडितहरुको अवश्था त्यस्तै छ । पुनर्बास त टाढाको कुरा तिनीहरुले राहतको पनि अनुभुति गर्न पाएका छैनन् । त्यसोभए कहाँ गयो त्यत्रो पैसा ?

प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यलयले अहिले भन्दै छ, "जनताले जिम्मा दिएको यति नै हो भन्ने लेखाजोखा छैन, ले खाजोखा राखिएको कम्प्युटर पनि बिग्रिसक्यो, ठ्याक्कै यति नै भन्ने कुनै प्रमाण छैन" । प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यलयको यस्तो कुराले के बुझ्ने त ? के यसले जनताले उठाएको रकममा पनि भष्टाचार भएको बुझिदैन त ? के प्रधानमन्त्रीले यसरी जनताले उठाएको पैसा पचाउन पाउँछ ?

अर्कातिर प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यलय यो पनि भन्छ कि, याद भए अनुसार ४४ करोड उठेको थियो, जसमध्य ८ करोड ४४ लाख भाद्र ३०मा राहतको लागि पठाएको थियो, पछि फेरि २ करोड पठायौ र अहिले त्यँहा पुग्दो छ । यसबारे पहिलो कुरा, रकम सङ्कलन गर्दाको समयको विभिन्न संचारमाध्यबाट प्रकाशित समाचारहरु हर्ेन हो भने रकम ४४ करोड भन्दा बढी हुनुपर्छ । अर्कातिर कार्यलयकै आधार अनुसार ८२छ रकम अझै कार्यलयमै थन्किराछ, यता भने बाडीपिडितको अवश्थामा कुनै सुधार छैन । यदि निष्पक्ष छ भने, यस्ता कुराहरुबारे किन बोल्न सकेको छैन सरकार - अझ, यस्तै राहतको लागि छुट्टाइने बजेटको ५ करोड गृहमन्त्रालयको ढुकुटिमा अछुत नै छ ।

यसरी जनताकै पैसा खाने नयाँ सरकारको बैज्ञानिक परिवर्तन हो ?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

भात खान शरिरको सौदा

पहिलो चोटि सुन्दा अचम्म लाग्छ । एकछिन बिचार गर्दा कुनै भोकमरीले सताएको मुलुकमा होला जस्तो पनि लाग्छ । तर यो सत्य हो नेपालको जहाँ भात खान शरिरको सौदा गर्न वाध्य महिलाहरु पनि छन् ।
दशकौं अघिको कुरा हो, बादी समुदायका महिलाहरुलाई पैसावाला ठूला वर्गका मानिसहरुले यौन सन्तुष्टिको लागि प्रयोग गर्थे जुन एक दशक अघिसम्म पनि चलिरहेको थियो । पिछडिएका बादीहरु पनि आम्दानीको कुनै स्रोत नभएका कारण त्यसलाई पेशा कै रुपमा लिन वाध्य थिए । पछि देवता कै रुपमा आए मावोबादी पार्टीले उनीहरुलाई त्यस पेशाबाट मुक्ति दिई आय आर्जनको बाटो खोलिदिने प्रण गरे । उनीहरुले पनि नयाँ जीवन पाउने कुरामा विश्वस्त भई मावोबादी पार्टीलाई भोट दिए । तर दुखको कुरा, मोवोबादी पार्टी अहिले सरकारकै नेत्तृत्व गरिरहँदा पनि उनीहरु झन् यो पेशा बिना भात खानसम्म नपाउने भएका छन् ।

चुनाव पछि बादीहरुले यौन पेशा त्यागेका थिए तर ठूलो आश देखाएका मावोबादी पार्टीले केहि नगरे पछि, सबै भोट कै लागि रहेछ भन्दै फेरि त्यहि पेशामा फर्केका छन् । एक बादी महिला भन्छिन्, "हामीलाई यस पेशाको नराम्रा कुराहरु पनि सबै थाहा छ । एड्स जस्ता अरु यौन रो गबारे पनि जानकार नै छौं तर भात खानकै लागि भएपनि शरिरको सौदा नगरि उपाय नै छैन, के गर्ने ? यौन रोगबाट बच्नको लागि हाम्रो समुदायमा कण्डमको प्रयोग चै अनिवार्य छ ।" आफु सचेत हुँदापनि यस्तो पेशालाई अपनाउनु कति दुखद वाध्यता हो। अझ, बादी समुदायमा पुरुषहरु आफ्नै घरका चेलीहरुको लागि ग्राहक खोज्न जाँदा तिनीहरु आफै भित्र भित्र कति मर्छन होला ?

के यहि हो मावोबादीको सांकृतिक क्रान्ति ?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

कुनै गलत क्षेत्रमा त जीवन समर्पित गरिन - दिपक आलोक

यो एक चलचित्रकर्मीको जीवन साच्चै एक चलचित्र जस्तै बनेको कथा हो - आफ्ना चलचित्रहरुमा कति चोटि त आफुले नै सृजना गरेका पात्रहरुले मृत्युसँग लडेर जितेका परिवेशहरु पनि बनाए हो लान् दिपकले । तर आज उनी आफै मृत्युको अगाडी शीर झुकाएर बसेका छन् ।

आफ्नो जीवनको ३० वर्षभन्दा बढी कला र साहित्य क्षेत्रमा सुम्पिएका दिपक, आज पैसाको अभावमा मृत्युसँग लड्दै छन् । साहित्यमा पोख्त दिपकले केहि स्तरीय चलचित्रहरु लेखन र निर्देशनको लागि वाहवाइ पनि लुटेका थिए । त्यसबेला, उनको पछि लागेर हिड्नेहरु पनि धेरै थिए, उनका साथीभाईहरु पनि धेरै थिए । तर ति सब पछि लागेर हिड्नेहरु र घनिष्ठ साथीभाईहरु आज विलाएका छन् । आज उनी खाटमा एक्लै लाचार छन् ।

दुबै मृगौलाले काम गर्न छाडिसकेकाले उनी मृत्यु पखिरहेका छन् । २ लाख खर्च भइसक्यो रे र अब उनको परिवार सँग लगभग ५ हजार जति छ कि भन्ने अनुमान गर्छिन् उनकी श्रीमती । एक दिन बिराएर सँधै गर्नुपर्ने उनको डायलसिसको खर्च प्रतेक चोटि १५ हजार लाग्छ, कहिले सम्म पुर्याउछन् त ?
यो अवश्थामा दिपक मृत्यु नजिकिएकोमा भन्दा चलचित्र क्षेत्रबाट दुइ चार जना बाहेक कोहि पनि एक चोटि भेट्न सम्म नआएकोमा दुखी छन् । चलचित्र क्षेत्रमा छँदा घनिष्ठ भएका साथीहरु पनि आज कता छन् कता । यो सब भोग्दा कहिले काँहि, मैले कुनै गलत क्षेत्रमा त जीवन समर्पित गरिन भन्ने लाग्छ भन्छन् उनी । उनकी श्रीमती चलचित्रकर्मीहरुलाई यस्तो भन्छन्, "बिरामी दिपक मात्र हुने होइनन्, कुनै दिन तँपाई पनि हुनसक्नुहुन्छ । पैसा नै ठूलो कुरो होइन, बोलीले सहानुभुति दिन सिक्नुहोस्।" अन्त्यमा दिपक भन्छन्, "मेरो कथा सुनेर भविष्यमा नेपाली कला साहित्य क्षेत्रलाई गलत ढङ्गमा लिन्छन् कि भन्ने डर छ मलाई ।"

यहि तँपाई दिपक आलोकलाई सहयोग गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने तँपाई उनका दाई गोपाल काफ्लेलाई ९७७-९८०४३०६३१४मा सर्म्पर्क गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।

Monday, October 27, 2008

NGO - A Business Firm

We all know NGOs are Non-Governmental Organisations established for social service. But as in Nepal it's different. Here, NGOs are profit-motive business organisations.

Nepal as one of the poorest countries of the world, has numerous NGOs and INGOs working for the people as various sectors. Though most of them seem working hard on various social causes, the truth is much different. If we go back to the days when NGOs just began budding, we'll clearly know that NGOs were first established, seeing donars willing to donate for various social causes in Nepal. At those times, NGO seriously devoted themselves on sectors the promised to. But these days it's a different story.

NGOs are mostly profit-motive organisation run by a group of people who are mostly friends or relatives. Providing fake information about works and activities they never did, such organisation are getting huge donations which directly goes to their pocket and nowhere else. Most of NGOs involved in HIV/Aids awareness and Drugs awareness are seen doing such activities. It's a bitter fact that such NGOs are increasing rapidly in the country also because donars are mostly from abroad, who very often comes to Nepal to check if the organisations are doing their work or not. The increasing number of bi-sexual organisations in a recent we can see.

In future, if donars will find out about such frauds, won't Nepal be facing problems on creating social awareness ? Not just the fraud ones, all others doing serious social work will also face such problem.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Say Yes To Nepali Advertisement

In today's Nepal, if "No To Advertisement" is what you feel, than you'll very soon know that you are a fool. Though it was bit different a decade back, advertisement is a must now. And we believe else than using indian ones, priority should be given to ourselves.

Since advertisement started being effective in Nepali market, indian advertisements have covered most of its area; and the trend hasn't changed yet. Most for the television advertisements are still indian with audio dubbed in nepali language. Though its because of the indian celebs are more effective, it is true on the other hand that, its what making nepali advertisement market dependent. And also its dumping Nepali talents and models too.

In an interview, former model (RJ at present) raised a question, "Do Nepal lack personalities like bollywood celebs for advertisement ?" Quiet frankly our answer is YES. Though it sounds bitter, its true. But what we are conveying is a different message. Lets promote our products ourselves. Lets involve our creativity and our people on our advertisements. We do need to remember that, bollywood celeb advertisements are used in Nepal because of our response to them. Why don't we respond our own, Nepal personalities ? Why don't we promote our products and services with a nepali face.

Lets say yes to Nepali Advertisement.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dependent Visa - Beware !

May be it due to the worst political situation in country or for a brighter future, Nepalese are going abroad for years now. And this trend is on its peak now. But there are people making their worst nightmare come true by trying to go abroad.

These days going abroad has been a trend. Not just for the students but even for the parents. It has been like an exposure to prove themselves as a high class family. Though it's definitely an oppertunity for the students for better education, but how many of them really study there ?

On the other hand, a new trend has been set in Nepal as way to enter abroad - Dependent way.
Educational consultancies these days are publishing their advertisement about dependent visa. And there are people going on it. So, How it is done ?

Consultancies find unmarried students who are applying for abroad. Then those who are uneducated to don't have ability to go abroad with their qualification or experience are married to those students (Fake Marriage Though). Instead the student is paid some amount. This way, they apply as a couple and they both go abroad. So, where's the risk ?

Since they aren't real couples, though the dependent will be working 24hr/day, the student won't be able to work. So, the student may face financial crisis. Secondly, what if the student gets married to premanent resident ? In that case, the dependant will be of nowhere. And again, the student if wants can blackmail the depedent since he/she is there because of the student and even the documents shows it quiet clearly.

The blackmailing has been is going huge in Australia among Nepalese, and now even the australian government are clear about the fake marriage way. So, Nepalese please beware.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Scooty Is The Trend

It was 75cc bikes. Then came Sports upto 1200cc which ruled the youth of Nepal for few years. But who have even thought that even sports bikes would be dumped by a so-called ladies drive. Yes, it's the Scooty, and it's the trend.

Since two-wheelers came in Nepal, bikes have always been everyone's first choice, and scooty were known as a worst looking two-wheeler made for elderly people for easy and slow ride till few years back. But in last two years, it's different. Girls who were seen riding sports model making them stand different are now moving back to scooty. And surprisingly even boys are on to Scooty these days. So, How come ?

When scooty entered Nepal, they are more of a two-wheeler made of trash, with almost no good looks. Now, stylish scooty are in the market by same indian brands which broght those trash in the beginning. But this isn't the reason for a change. Indian bikes, we feel are still almost the same as earlier days. It's scooty from countries like Italy, Japan and few other countries with classic and modern deign, bringing a chance. Especially scooty made in Japan are ones. Even with very few in numbers, Japanese scooty brought the trend of boys on scooty. And with same trend going high, indian brands are benefiting. But t's quiet clear, indian bicycle like scooty isn't the trend. SCOOTY is.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

मावोबादी पार्टी दोस्रो चोटि फुट्ने क्रममा

मावोबादी पार्टी दोस्रो चोटि फुट्ने क्रममा रे ? सुन्दा अचम्म लाग्छ तर यो सत्य हो । पुर्वराजा ज्ञानेन्द्रले जुन बेला देशको सत्ता हडपेर आफ्नो दुरदशा निम्त्याउँदै थिए, मावोबादी पार्टीलाई पनि दशा लागेको थियो । यस्त बेला मैले स्थानीय संचारमाध्यमबाट मावोबादी पार्टी फुटीसकेको दाबी गर्दा, कतिले प्रमाण मागे, कतिले बुढाको दिमाग फुस्कियो भनेर खिल्ली उडाए भने कतिले त धम्काए पनि । तर हाल आएर ती कुराहरु सबै सत्य भएको एक नेपाली टेलिभिजनले भिडियो मार्फ पुष्टी गरेकोमा म हषिर्त छु । भविष्यमा फेरी एकचो टि कुनै दिन कुनै संचारमाध्यमले राजा महेन्द्रको हत्याको बारेमा लेखिएको मेरो लेखलाई पनि पुष्टी गर्छ भन्नेमा म विश्वस्त छु ।

लागौं मावोबादी कै कुरा तर्फ। हाल सत्तामा रहेको मावोबादी पार्टी देखिदा जति किताबका पानाहरुजस्ता पढ्न सरल देखिन्छ, वास्तवमा उनीहरु यसको ठिक विपरित छन् । युद्धको बेला, चुनवाङ बैठकमा प्रचन्डले खुद स्वीकारेका पनि थिए, "हो हामीले गर्ने सबै नाटक नै हो" । त्यहि चुनबाङ बैठकमा फुटिसकेको मावोबादी पार्टी फेरि एक भएको थियो ।

नयाँ क्रान्तिको कुरा गर्ने मावोबादी, फरक फरक बिचार, स्वभाव र जीवनशैली आदिले गर्दा फुटका आएको थियो । त्यसबेला, अध्यक्ष प्रचन्डको हतारमा गर्ने कार्यशैली, काम कम गर्ने कुराले भने मावोबादी कार्यकर्ताहरुलाई सँधै ठिक्क पारी आफ्नो इसारामा चलाउने तरिका आदि जस्ता कुराहरुले गर्दा, बावुराम भटर्राई र राम बहादुर बादल अलगीएका थिए । जसपछि, कार्यकर्ता, सेना, नेताहरु सबै दुइ भागमा विभाजन भएका थिए । त्यस फुटको कारण अर्कातिर प्रचन्ड र बादलका श्रीमतीहरुको फरक जीवनशैली र उनीहरु बीचको मनमुटाव पनि थियो । उता बावुरामलाई सबैभन्दा चित्त नबुझेको कुरा के थियो भने, यकातिर मावोबादी सेनाहरुले रक्सी जुवा बन्द गराउने क्रममा हात काट्ने देखि हत्यासम्म गर्दै थिए भने उता त्यहि सेनाका अध्यक्ष प्रचन्ड भने बेलुकीको समयमा रक्सीको चुस्की लिन्थे । यस्तै यस्तै विभिन्न कारणहरुले फुटेको मावोबादी पार्टी पछि चुनवाङ बैठकबाट फेरि एक भएको थियो जसको कारण यो पनि थियो कि फुटर सत्ता सम्म पुग्न असम्भव थियो ।

त्यहि वाध्यताले गर्दा पार्टी एक भएको थियो र आखिरमा सरकारसम्म आइपुग्यो पनि । तर सरकार चलाउने भइसकेपछि के को वाध्यता ? प्रचन्डको राणाहरुले झैं आफ्नै इसारामा नचाउने शैली फेरि देखापरेको छ । गफैले मात्र प्रधानमन्त्री बनेका प्रचन्ड, पार्टीको नामै बदलिने तरखरमा छन् भने यता बैज्ञानिक सोच भएका र देशमा साच्चै नै परिवर्तन ल्याउन अघि बढेका बावुराम हाल आएर प्रचन्डको नाटक बुझ्दैछन्, जसले गर्दा मावोबादी पार्टी दोस्रो चोटि फुट्ने सम्भावना स्पष्ट देखिन्छ ।

Monday, October 20, 2008

विचरा फुटपाथको कथा

म सँधै मेरो नातीको कम्प्युटर कोठामै रहेर सम्पुण काम गर्छ तर कुनै एक ठाउँमा बसेर यस ब्लगमा लेखहरु लेख्नु उचित हुँदैन भन्ने मेरो पनि मान्यता हो । केहि सहकर्मी भाईहरुको साथले देशका कुनाकाप्चाका कुराहरु समेट्ने कोशिस मेरो जारी भएतापनि आफु स्वयम नै उपस्थित भएर त्यहाँको कथा लेख्ने सौभाग्य भने प्राप्त भएको कमै थियो । त्यसैले एउटा फरक लुकेको कथाको खोजीमा म हिडे ।
न त आफ्नो सवारी साधन नै थियो न त पैसा गोजिमा, सँधै झैं आज पनि त्यहि आफु जस्तै बुढो लठ्ठी टेक्दै सुरु गरे मेरो यात्रा मेरो घरबाट । सँधै हिड्ने फुटपाथ आज भने मलाई अलि भिन्न लाग्यो । आज त्यो पिडित फुटपाथले मसँग बोल्यो ।

बटुवाहरुलाई सँधै फुल बिछाएर स्वागत गर्ने इच्छा राख्ने फुटपाथलाई केहि दिन अघिसम्म डोका, नाङ्ला, ठेला आदिले घोच्थे रे । सँधै पैदलयात्रीका पैतलाको र्स्पर्शको आशमा बस्ने उसलाई धेरै जसो त साइकल, मोटरसाइकल, गाडी आदिले किच्थे रे । उसलाई अतिक्रमण गरी बसेका स्वार्थी व्यपारीहरु उसकै माथि फोहरहरु फालेर हिड्थे रे । विचरा फुटपाथको शरिर नै छियाछिया पर्दासम्म कसैले देखेका थिएनन् रहेछ - न सडक विभागले, न सरकारले, न त उँसगै घर बनाई बसेका सर्वसाधरणले । सँधै शरिर धान्न गाह्रो पर्दा मलाई सम्हाल्ने उही फुटपाथको पिडा मैले पनि बुझ्न सकेको रहेनछु ।

धिक्कार छ मलाई ।

केहि दिन यता, बाम देव बावुको दिमाग सड्किएछ । कसैले नदेखेको फुटपाथको पिडा उसले देखेछ । हिजो उनी फुटपाथहरुलाई सान्त्वना दिदैं थिए रे । तर त्यहि स्वार्थी फुटपाथ व्यपारीहरुको भोट अर्को वर्षो चुनावमा नआउने डरले कुरा फेरिन्छ कि भनेर फुटपाथहरु अझै त्राशित छन् रे ।

फुटपाथहरु भन्दै छन् :
खै नयाँ नेपाल बन्ने कहिले हो
हाम्रो स्वरुप राम्रो बन्ने कहिले हो
हाम्रा साथी सडकलाई पनि नजलाऊ
देशमा छिटो शान्ति ल्याऊ, हामीलाई पनि बचाऊ


Sunday, October 19, 2008

अन्तराष्ट्रिय आन्दोलन स्थल - नेपाल

खुलेआम जहिले मन लाग्यो त्यहिले जहा मन लाग्यो त्यहि आन्दोलन गर्न पाउने देशको रुपमा प्रचलित देशहरुमा नेपाल अग्र स्थानमा पर्छ । जसले होला नेपालका आन्दोलनहरुले अन्तराष्ट्रिय संचारमाध्यमहरुमा ठाँउ पाउन छाडेका थिए । तर हाल आएर फेरी नेपालले अर्को रेकड कायम गरेर संसारलाई नै दङ्ग पारेको छ ।

नेपालमा विदेशी पर्यटक बढाउने विभिन्न उपायहरु खोजी भइरहेकै बेला, पर्यटककै रुपमा आएका सोमालियाका नागरिकहरुले अहिले नेपालमा आन्दोलन गरेर एउटा नँया रेकड कायम गरेका छन्, जुन अर्को रुपमा हेर्ने हो भने विदेशीहरुलाई आकर्षण गर्ने राम्रो उपाय हुनसक्छ । गैरकानुनी कामको लागि संसारकै सबैभन्दा उपयुक्त मानिने नेपाल, अब अन्तराष्ट्रिय आन्दोलन स्थल पनि बनाएमा पर्यटकहरुको घुइचो अवश्य बढ्ला । यसकै निरन्तरताले भविष्यमा लडाइ गर्ने थलो पनि नेपाल नै हुनसक्दैन भनेर भन्न सकिन्न । त्यसो भएमा त झन नेपालको महत्व अत्याधिक हुन्छ नि होइन र ? यस्तो कार्यको मौन बसेर समर्थन गरेकोमा नेपाल सरकारलाई बधाई छ ।

लाजै मर्दो भयो

Saturday, October 18, 2008

एउटा मुर्ख केटिको कथा - निहिता विशवास

केहि समय अघि सम्म पत्रकारहरुलाई आग्रह गर्दै पत्रकार सम्मेलनबाट होस् वा विश्वमै कुख्यात बिकिनी किलरको नामले प्रसिद्घ ६५ चार्लस सोभराजसँग विहे गरेको हल्ला गर्दै होस् , २० वषिर्य निहिता विश्वास केहि समयको लागि भएपनि ज्यादै प्रख्यात हुन पुगेकी छिन् ।

आफुलाई हरेक क्षेत्रमा अघि देख्ने मुर्ख स्वभावकी निहिताले चार्लसलाई आफ्नो आमा (चालर् सकी वकिल)को माध्यमबाट पहिलो चोटि भेटेका थिए । जेलमा भेट्दा भेट्दै चार्लससँग माया बसेको बताएतापनि, उसका साथीहरु भने निहिताको यो कुरा पत्याउनै गाह्रो भएको बताउँछन् । कलेज पढ्दाका साथीहरु उसलाई आफ्नो स्वार्थको लागि वा आफु अगाडी पर्नको लागि केहि गर्नपनि पछि नपर्ने एक घमण्डी केटिको रुपमा सम्झिन्छन् ।

अर्कातिर कुख्यात चार्लस विदेशका ठूला सजायहरुबाट बच्न नेपालको जेलमा आफ्नै जुक्तिले बसेको कुरा पनि अन्तराष्ट्रिय रुपमै र्छलङ्ग छ । यदि निहिताले भने झैं निदोष भएका भए, किन भाग्थे त चार्लस विदेशका विभिन्न जेलहरुबाट ? के चार्लसकोर् इच्छा विपरीत उनलाई यतिका समय सम्म नेपालको जलमा राख्न सकिन्थ्यो र ?

चार्लस सोभराज सदा झैं अहिले पनि सातिर छन् । र निहिता जस्तो मुर्ख केहि भेट्नु उनको सौभाग्य हो अर्को नयाँ चाल चल्न । तर यदि भविष्यमा निहिता विश्वासको लास पनि विकिनीमा भेटिएमा जिम्मा कस्ले लिने - चार्लसलाई राखिएको जेलको प्रशासनले ? चार्लस र निहिताको कुरालाई अत्याधिक रुपमा बढावा दिने संचारमाध्यमले वा सरकारले ? के तबसम्म नै विशेष समाचार बनिरहन्छ त एउटा मुर्ख केटिको कथा ?

यदि यस तर्फ विशेष रुपमा कसैले ध्यान दिन सक्दैन भने, मृगौला काण्डका आरोपी डाक्टरलाई झैं चार्लसलाई पनि विदेशी प्रहरीहरुलाई सुम्पिदिए ठिक होला ।

अन्तमा एउटा साधारण केटिको मुर्खताले गर्दा देशकै इज्जत नजाओस् ।

Friday, October 17, 2008

प्रचन्डलाई दउरासुर्वाल र हिसीला यमीलाई गुन्योचोलो लगाउन सिकाउँदै दार्जिलिङबासी

नयाँ नेपाल बनाउछु भन्दै हिड्ने प्रचन्ड, सरकारी कामकाज गर्दा पनि नेपालको राष्ट्रपोशाकको अपमान गरी सँधै विदेशी लुगाहरु मै दे खिन्छन् । यस्तो कार्य देशकै प्रधानमन्त्रीले गर्न कति सुहाउने कुरा हो त्यो छुट्ट्याउने जिम्मा तँपाईहरुको । यसबारे कहिले काहिँ पत्रकार साथीहरुले उहाँसामु कुरा उठाउँदा उनी भन्छन्, पहिलेका नेताहरु सबैले राष्ट्रपोशाक लगाएर के नै गरेर देशको लागि, यस्तै यस्तै । हाम्रो भनाई, नेपालको राष्ट्रपोशाक - दउरासुर्वाल लगायो भन्दैमा कसैको कार्यमा परिवर्तन आउँछ भन्ने होइन, बरु यसलाई लगाउदा त झन नेपाली हुँ भन्ने परिचय दिई गर्वका साथ काम गर्न सकिन्छ । कि दउरासुर्वाल लगाएर प्रचन्डलाई बैज्ञानिक परिर्वतन ल्याउन असजिलो हुन्छ ? कि सँधै दउरासुर्वाल लगाउन लाज लाग्छ प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचन्डलाई ? उता मावोबादी कै हिसीला यमीको ताल पनि त्यस्तै छ । उनलाई पनि गुन्योचोलो लगाउन लाज लाग्छ रे । त्यसैले उनी पनि सँधै सुटपाँइट लगाएर हिड्छन् जस्ले गर्दा कहिले कांहि त उनलाई केटा मान्छे भनेर धेरै झुक्किन्छन् । त्यसैले प्रचन्डलाई र हिसीला यमीलाई राष्ट्रपोशाक लगाउन सिकाउँदै छन् दिर्जिलिङबासीहरुले ।

कुनै बेला नेपाली भुमि रहेको दाजिलिङ हाल भारतको भुमि मानिएतापनि, त्यहाँ बसोबास गर्ने नेपालीहरुले अझै आफ्नो देश नेपालको राष्ट्रभेष, भाषा, संकृति आदिलाई भुलेका छैनन् । वर्षौ देखि गोर्खाल्यान्ड आन्दोलन गर्दै आएका त्यहाँका वीर गोर्खालीका छोराछोरीहरु हाल त्यस आन्दोलनलाई अझ स्तरीय बनाउनको लागि आफुहरुले बेलाबेला लगाउँदै आएका नेपालको राष्ट्रपोशाक दउरासुर्वाल र गुन्योचोलो एक महिनाको लागि हरेक क्षेण लगाउने भएका छन् । यसले नेपालको राष्ट्रपोशाक यस्तो हो है भनेर नेपाली जनतालाई र विशेष गरि नेताहरुलाई पनि सम्झाउनमा ठूलो टेवा पुर्याएको छ ।

हामी दार्जिलिङका नेपाली दाजुभाई तथा दिदिबहिनीहरुको यस्तो कार्यको शिर झुकाएर प्रणाम गछौं । र अर्कातिर प्रचन्ड र हिसीला यमीलाई यहि आफ्नो देशको राष्ट्रपोशाक दउरासुर्वाल र गुन्योचोलो लगाउन लाज लाग्छ भने उनीहरु नेपाली नै होइनन् ।

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cable Operators & Illegal DishTV

Dish TV is an indian cable operator which distrubutes television channels via satellite. Since its an indian company and don't pay a penny as tax to Nepal government, using it is a serious illegal matter. But is anyone watching ?

Prohibiting DishTV is quiet reasonable because of it not paying tax to the nepal government. On the other hand, if it's made legal, many small budget cable operators won't stand long in the business. With such threat to the nepali cable operators, DishTV was announced illegal by the government. But are we aware that most of those cable operators are using DishTV ?

As mentioned earlier, supporting nepali operators, the government of nepal annouced DishTV and various others alike illegal in Nepal. But we see DishTV logo in our television sets even when we have hired satellite channels from a nepali cable operator. How come ?

It's quiet simple. Actually cable operators have to television companies like StarTV Network, ZEE etc as themselves (as cable operators). But getting same channels from DishTV is much cheaper, as they have to pay as a single viewer/family. Though this is a serious crime, since they make a huge profit doing this they hardly cares.

illegal ? Who cares ? Is anyone watching ? Is the government ?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

नेपालको माया लागेर फर्केका होइनन् राजाराम

कुनै बेलाका लोकप्रिय हास्य कलाकार राजाराम पौडेल हालै अमेरीकाबाट स्वदेश फर्केका छन् र त्यो पनि अब फिर्ता नजाने गरि । विदेशीएका यी कलाकार स्वदेश मै बस्ने सोच लिएर आएको कुरा सुन्दा उनको देश प्रतिको माया झल्किन्छ । लाग्छ, सबै यस्तै देशलाई माया गर्ने नेपालीहरु भइदिए - तर, यर्थाथ अलि भिन्न छ ।

नेपाली भुमी र नेपाली कला क्षेत्रलाई लात हानेर विदेशमा के के नै गर्छुभन्ने सोच लिएर अमेरिका पुगेका राजारामको हाल नेपाल फर्किनु कुनै देश प्रतिको माया नभइ वाध्यता हो । हँसाएर नेपालीहरुको मन जित्नुको सट्टा, अमेरिमा भाँडा माझ्ने भारी बोक्ने भविष्य रोजेका राजारामले त्यहाँ पुगेको केहि समय देखि नै उतैको बासिन्दा बन्ने प्रक्रिया सुरु गरेका थिए । तर हाल आएर उनको भिसाको समय सिद्धिएपछि र अमेरीकी सरकारले उनलाई त्यहाँको बासिन्दा हुन योग्य नभएको प्रत्र पठाएपछि, उनी नेपाल र्फकन बाध्य भएका हुन ।

जुन क्षेत्रले उनलाई एक सफल हाँस्य कलाकार भनेर चिनायो, धेरैको मनमा बसायो, त्यहि क्षेत्रलाई माया मारेर विदेश पलाएन भएका राजारामलाई, अमेरीकाले जबरजस्ती नेपाल मै घोक्राइ पठाएपछि अलिले भने नेपाल र यहँाको कला क्षेत्रबारे बढाइचढाइ कुरा गर्न थालेका छन् ।

Monday, October 13, 2008

Maoists' Forgotten 10,000 Promises

Maoist party spoke a lot about to support those who have lot their family members during their war to the way to politics. But after winning the election by same people's vote, they seem to have forgotten their promises. And are all know that, that's just an example. There are about 10,000 promises they hardly seem to remember.

It has been about a month, those suffered and those who have lost their families during maoist war has been protesting. But those protests seem like making no sense to the goverment with maoists themselves as the top. Few days, back protestors were badly bitten up by the govenment police force. That was the real truth behind the promises they made in the rural areas of Nepal during the election, and people now are slowing understanding.

On the other hand, promises of food and shelter for all doesn't seem to be fulfilled. Prices of daily consumed food price are at its highest. Those without homes are still homeless. And those who have one are worried about maoist government to confiscate theirs like in the madesh.
Even treaties with India seem to be re-thought just in papers. Some treaties are lifted up despite being spoken against during election.

Promises towards the nationality has been broken to its worst. From taking oath in hindi by the vice-president to repeating same blunder mistake by the prime minister - Prachanda, even after such huge protest by the nepali people.

Production of 10,000 Mega Watt hydroelectricity now has been proven a day dream. And railways and cabel cars round the country, a financially impossible thought. Promises maoists made during the election for votes, seem a cunning trick they did.

With no promises fulfilled and their actions all alike those during the King's rule, the people of Nepal seem to prepared to throw maoist party aside from government in the next election.

Maoist party please beware !

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nepal Ambassy & Nepal Government. For What ?

Ambassies of Nepal are around the world to help the nepalese their and of their support. For this, Nepal has invested a lot, the people in the ambassy are even paid high salary. But the question is: do we really need any ambassy abroad ? We think not.

Two weeks back, a nepali student was shot dead in America in an small shop in Houston, Texas. Ashok Bhattarai from Parasi, Nepal was in USA as a student for his further studies. He had just started earning for his studies. After his college hour, he was on his work as a clerk at night. Suddenly a negro man came and shot him down for few thousand dollars. It was a shocking news to his family here in Nepal on dashain festive season. And more hurting news was what the Nepal ambassy in America and Nepal government did.

Most people don't know, When this incident happened the prime minister of Nepal - Prachanda was in USA. It's very shameful that, though the incident was on The Fox News(A very popular national television in USA), Prachanda let himself unheard about it. And even when he was back to Nepal, Prachanda was busy with his politics to speak about Ashok Bhattarai. Seriouly quiet shameful.

On the other hand, Nepal Ambassy in USA also did nothing about it. They didn't even speak a word. Even when Ashok's friends tried to get help from the Nepal ambassy there to send his dead body back to Nepal, the ambassy didn't even think its their duty to help them; instead ambassy staffs were busy enjoying their lives in USA.

So, our question is why do we need such ambassies abroad ? And what's the government for ?
Note: Ashok Bhattrai's friends collected money and helped his family bring back his dead body Nepal.

We pray for Ashok Bhattarai's soul rest in peace.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

नेपालको माया लागेर फर्केका होइनन् राजाराम

कुनै बेलाका लोकप्रिय हास्य कलाकार राजाराम पौडेल हालै अमेरीकाबाट स्वदेश फर्केका छन् र त्यो पनि अब फिर्ता नजाने गरि । विदेशीएका यी कलाकार स्वदेश मै बस्ने सोच लिएर आएको कुरा सुन्दा उनको देश प्रतिको माया झल्किन्छ । लाग्छ, सबै यस्तै देशलाई माया गर्ने नेपालीहरु भइदिए - तर, यर्थाथ अलि भिन्न छ ।

नेपाली भुमी र नेपाली कला क्षेत्रलाई लात हानेर विदेशमा के के नै गर्छुभन्ने सोच लिएर अमेरिका पुगेका राजारामको हाल नेपाल फर्किनु कुनै देश प्रतिको माया नभइ वाध्यता हो । हँसाएर नेपालीहरुको मन जित्नुको सट्टा, अमेरिमा भाँडा माझ्ने भारी बोक्ने भविष्य रोजेका राजारामले त्यहाँ पुगेको केहि समय देखि नै उतैको बासिन्दा बन्ने प्रक्रिया सुरु गरेका थिए । तर हाल आएर उनको भिसाको समय सिद्धिएपछि र अमेरीकी सरकारले उनलाई त्यहाँको बासिन्दा हुन योग्य नभएको प्रत्र पठाएपछि, उनी नेपाल र्फकन बाध्य भएका हुन ।

जुन क्षेत्रले उनलाई एक सफल हाँस्य कलाकार भनेर चिनायो, धेरैको मनमा बसायो, त्यहि क्षेत्रलाई माया मारेर विदेश पलाएन भएका राजारामलाई, अमेरीकाले जबरजस्ती नेपाल मै घोक्राइ पठाएपछि अलिले भने नेपाल र यहँाको कला क्षेत्रबारे बढाइचढाइ कुरा गर्न थालेका छन् ।

Royal Massacre of King Mahendra - Biggest Secrete Revealed

Royal massacre of the King Birendra and his family are still crystal clear in our minds. Though the story of a prince killing his family members came out, we all know that, that wasn't what happened inside the royal palace that time. On the other hand, nepalese history has spoken a lot about such massacre within royal families for power. So, a thought came in our mind - Did King Mahendra really died due to heart attack as we are told ? We tried finding out about it and finally we got the answer. And the answer is NO.

Before death, King Mahendra was on a tiger haunt in Kasara, Chitwan with his wife, Queen Ratna Rajya Laxmi. An hour before his death, there were few elephants in the Kasara jungle with king on one, queen on the other and few army personnels on the rest, were after a tiger. With about an hour of struggle they finally trapped the tiger inside a circle of huge white cloth. To conclude the haunt, when Mahendra was pointing his shotgun on the tiger, queen's shotgun was pointing the king from about 50 meters away. When the tiger was shot dead, king was down too with queen's bullet.

Later, his dead body was brought in a helicopter to the royal palace of Aanptandi, Chitwan. After that, Birendra was called there conveying message of a heart attack death of his father. It took about six hours after that, to coronate Birendra as Nepal's new king. During that time, someone out of the Shah dynasty was handled the king's throne, which most people still don't know.

Fewer people known to the incident believe that, that incident took place for supremacy. But some elderly people of Kasara who witnessed the event say, that is was because of Mahendra's relation with another woman.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Talking Positive

We are very much glad for your visit and we would like to let you know that we respect your independence of commenting on anything, just like we do.

Recently in a week time, we have received about 700 emails about it and with due respect we would like to speak out about it. In almost every email your question was, "Why are posts on our blog always negative?". So, here's we speaking out.

Critisism in our country are mostly negative, because good things hardly happens in Nepal, may it be in politics or music, movies or anything else. But there are issues we have spoken out from the positive. Hereby, we speak again on those and few new ones.

We have always been on Miss Nepal side. Such contests shouldn't be stopped no matter what. Protestors against Miss Nepal should re-think about if they really want to step ahead to the future parallel to time or stay as ancient people. If they are against wearing less clothes and in favour of being laid back as ancient people. Please do know that, ancient people used to live their life almost nude. Remember ?

Most of the topics on music have been negative, because most of the nepali so-called singers are bringing out albums full of craps. But there are albums of artists like Sabin Rai, Abhaya, Reema Gurung Hada and few other of whom we are eager to post of review.

Kollywood has never been good enough, though there was very few good movies made during the 80s(excluding picture quality terms). Now, when we hoped for a quality nepali movie from all aspect, Sano Sansar blew everyone expection. So, with clear critisism on Sano Sansar, we tried to request new wannabe film makers to come with good movies from every aspect or it will known as trash and nothing more. And if such things continues, golden period kollywood will never begin.

On the policital side, we saluted foreign minister, yadav on speaking in Nepali in India and same time Prachanda sucked speaking full hindi in India. We stil think Prachanda SUCKS. How dare he disrespected our national language ?

Lastly, we respect your comments and hope for more in the future.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

पहिला जन्मिदैमा वा कपाल फुल्दैमा वरिष्ठ भइदैन

सामान्यतय, कुनै पनि क्षेत्रमा आफ्नो जीवन सुम्पिएर वा दशकौं त्यस क्षेत्रलाई दिएर त्यसै क्षेत्रको विशेष ज्ञान राख्ने सफल ज्ञानीलाई हामी दिग्गज वा वरिष्ठ भन्छौं । तर नेपालमा भने यो अलि फरक छ ।
नेपालमा बरिष्ठ भनिदाहरु थुप्रै छन् तर बास्तव मै सच्चा ज्ञानी भने हातका औंलाहरुमा गन्न सकिन्छ । विशेष गरी संगीत क्षेत्रको कुरा गर्नुपर्दा, हाल आएर पुण रुपमा बेसुराहरुको जमातै एल्बम निकाल्न तम्सिएका देख्न पाइएतापनि आज भन्दा एक दशक अघिसम्म गायक गायिकाहरु धेरै कम थिए । तिनै गायक गायिकाहरुलाई आज धेरैले वरिष्ठ भन्छन् । तर ति सबै संगीतका पारखी वा ज्ञानीहरु भने पक्कै थिएनन् न त हालसम्म आईपुग्दा भएका छन् ।

दशक अघिसम्म गायक गायिका बन्न वा गीत रेकड गराउन रेडियो नेपालको सांगितिक परिक्षामा उत्रीण हुनुपथ्र्यो, जुन परिक्षामा सबैले सजिलैसँग भाग लिन भने पाउदैन थिए । तर त्यसबेला यदि राजपरिवारसँग चीनजान भएकाहरु भने परिक्षामा पनि सजिलै भाग लिन्थे र सजिलैसँग उत्रीण पनि हुन्थे । यस कुराले यो प्रष्ट पार्छ कि ति गायक गायिकाहरु सबै संगीतको ज्ञानले मात्र त अवश्य उत्रीण हुन्थेनन् । त्यसो भए के तिनीहरुलाई अहिले वरिष्ठ भन्न सुहाउँछ त ?

कान्तिपुर टेलिभिजनको पलेटी जस्ता कार्यक्रमहरुमा बेसुरा गीतहरु प्रस्तुत गरि धेरै ति वरिष्ठ भनिदाहरुले यो कुराको पुष्टी पनि गरिसकेका छन् । र अर्कातिर, यहि ती गायक गायिकाहरु साच्चै नै नेपाली संगीतलाई सम्मान गर्ने ज्ञानीहरु भएका भए रिमिक्सका नाममा आफैले गीत बिगार्ने वा अरुलाई विगार्न दिने पक्कै गर्थेनन् होला ।

यस्ता सबै कुराहरु प्रष्ट भइसक्दा, हामी भन्दा केहि दशक अगाडी जन्मिदैंमा वा कपाल फुल्दैमा वरिष्ठ भन्न कत्तिको मिल्छ ?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Speeches aren't enough. We need work

It's a matter of surprise how Nepal is running till date with only speeches and no work by politicians. But enough is enough, and time has now come to make a change.

The ONLY SPEECHES phenomenon has been going on for long in Nepal. And it has peaked its limitation with maoist party in the governement now. But before the election, it was different. To gain huge votes and to win the election, maoist party made the people dream extra large which were impossible to be fulfilled. From railways reaching every corner of Nepal to Cable Cars in various places to unreachable hydroelectricity production and more, maoist speeches made people dream of a luxary life in Nepal. But it all turned out to be a cunning game they played to win the election.

Forgeting their own speeches which also included helping the poorer people first, the maiost government brought various such policies that directly means killing the poor. On such example is the budget. With increase of taxes, everything from food to clothes to home appliances; price of every single commodity has increased which has led to various poor people death due to starvation and sucide. Is this what their speeches or dreams they showed really meant ?

Now it's quiet clear that such speeches won't work. Next time when we vote on any election, lets not vote for anyone just because he/she is distributing luxary dreams or he/she is from some party. Lets vote for someone who's capable of doing what he speaks for, and who is willing to do.
Lastly, for those in the government now, let tell them, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND DO SOME WORK".

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nepal's Porn Industry Spreads its Net

By Sudeshna Sarkar
KathmanduAfter suffering the stigma of being a nation which sees thousands of its young girls and boys sold to the brothels of neighboring India, the new republic of Nepal now has another dark distinction - the rise of Nepali porn.

The flooding of the once reclusive Himalayan nation with cheap cameras, mobile phones and computers has seen a surge in the number of homemade pornographic films and XXX Nepali cyber sites.

In the 80s, lovers of blue films used to smuggle them to Nepal from India and Bangkok.
Now, such films are being made in Nepal's homes. "Watch these Nepali's (sic) bang hard in desi style", says the cover of a blue DVD readily available in Kathmandu. "Exclusive Nepali sex", boasts another.

What is most disturbing about Nepali blue films circulated on the net is that the "stars" are often actually victims who did not know they were being filmed.

A souvenir seller in tourist city Pokhara told the Nepali Times magazine that she had a brief fling with a Dutch tourist.

Unknown to her, the man filmed them in bed together and now the video is being sold in Nepal and can also be ordered over the Internet.

"I am really stressed out and haven't been able to go to my shop," the 30-year-old woman told the magazine.

A Nepali man from Dharan town in south Nepal had an affair with his friend's wife while living in Britain. He had filmed the romps in bed and stored them in his laptop.

When it crashed and he took it to a shop for repair, the technicians ferreted out the file and began circulating it in Nepal.

The woman's family came to know about it and her father tried to kill himself over the disgrace.
Nepali blue films like "Nepali Lovers: Homemade Hardcore" are, in a way, "a high-tech extension of the exploitation of young Nepali women trafficked for generations by their husbands (and) boyfriends...", the magazine said.

The growing number of Nepali porn movies has made its mark on the blue film industry worldwide. The YouTube mentions them, for one.

Another disturbing factor is that many child abuse films are also from Nepal.
The high-profile scandal this year of Irish poet Cathal O'Searcaigh befriending and abusing street urchins and young boys in Nepal is just one indication that western pedophiles from Britain, the US, Denmark and Norway are now visiting Nepal instead of earlier pedophile destinations Thailand and Cambodia.

Five years ago, a spurt in pedophilia on the Internet let to an Interpol alert. On finding that much of the material was coming from Nepal, Interpol asked the police to investigate.
However, due to the political turbulence shaking Nepal since then, there has been no attempt to crack down on the network.

The menace has grown more widespread with the passage of time and the advancement of technology.

Six years ago, when a Nepali tabloid published a nude photograph of an aspiring starlet, who did not know she was being filmed, the girl killed herself and there was a tremendous social outcry.
More recently, a school teacher in Banke district in the Terai plains abused an eighth grade student, took photographs of her in bed with him with his mobile phone and tried to blackmail her into continuing to have an affair with him when she tried to stop seeing him.
After the girl finally complained to police, Jibacha Yadav, the Maths teacher, was arrested. But there were no more heated public debates.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bollywood & Copycat Phenomenon

Since, Nepali has been dumped down these days by themselves, and Nepali movies being on the lime light after Nepal's politics, we thought why not talk about it. It's about Bollywood, the indian movie industry and the copycat phenomenon.

Bollywood has broaden itself worldwide with huge budget, higher quality and much cultural stories than the east. But there's stuffs about it most of us don't know. It the replica style or the copycat phenomenon.

Nepali film industry has been facing this problem since long back. Most of the nepali movies are blamed for coping stories and songs from the indian movies. And its cent percent true. But bollywood isn't different. Even bollywood movie stories and songs are of same type and it started long back with Satte Pe Satta, the Amitabh Bachchan movie which was a frame-to-frame copy of an english classic movie (as per our knowledge). Most of the songs composed by Bappi Leheri were copied from english songs. That secrete trend continued till the 90s with movies like 'Pyar Toh Hona Hi Tha', 'Badshah', 'Ajnabee', 'Dil Chahata Hai' and many more; and in the music field Anu Malik gave his big effort. Later slight change came with the millennium and bollywood stopped copying english movies and went for korean movies. Movies at recent times are complete copy of korean movies and are big hit. And korean music was broght in hindi by Pritam. We salute for bollywood's cunning ability for fool bollywood movie fan around the world. To name few movies like 'Jab We Met', 'Kismat Konnection', 'Welcome', 'Ugly Aur Pagli', 'Bachna E Haseeno', 'Singh Is King' are complete replica of korean movies.

Here are some movie suggestions we would suggest you to watch and laugh at bollywood movies:
My Sassy Girl (Korean)
Changing Partners aka Love Now (Korean)
See You After School (Korean)
Marrying The Mafia - All Parts (Korean)
American Pie (English)
Note: Satte Pe Satta, Pyar Toh Hona Hi Tha and Badshah are also a complete copy of english movies but we forgot their name. If you have seen any such movie brought back in hindi by bollywood, please do comment about it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Image Channel's Secrete About Asif

If you are a nepali satellite channel viewer, you must have seen him on television. Asif Shah a known name to those watching image channel in earlier days. A used to be VJ and a music video directors (as most of VJ direct music videos in nepal so that they'll play the videos in their own programs more), suddenly disappeared from the channel and the nepali media too. So, what happened ? Here's the secrete story.
Though it wasn't his first VJ career, Asif worked few years in Image Channel. With his power to play more in various programs of Image Channel, he even directed many music videos though he was a director with no direction stuff. Suddenly, he disappeared. And as per himself it was a very tiny incident which people made it a huge matter
On an open lottery program broadcast live in Image Channel, Asif played a cunning game. The top winning prize was a Pulsar 150, and that's what made him do that fraud. Even on such live broadcasted program, Asif tricked everyone and made one of his friends the winner Pulsar 150. No one ever noticed about that, except the cameraperson who was shooting the event. Later, the fraud was known to Image Channel administration and Asif was kicked out from the channel
The fraud was edited(online) in the broadcast so the viewer watching the event live didn't see it.Asif, you suck nerd !

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Jenisha Moktan's Porn MMS

There were rumours about 'Ghumti Odaideu' girl Jenisha Moktan's porn MMS video. At first, it sounded like a foolish rumour trying Miss Nepal contestants to shut their mouth. But it was quiet shocking when Jenisha herself taking about it on a press conference with eyes full of tears. Actually, it was a fake MMS video of someother asian girl whose eyes were alike Jenisha, with everything else totally different.

Nepal has never seen such fake MMS videos and no rumours were out till date. Whoever have brought out such thing, it is a shame to everyone of us. How can anyone play with someone's life, self-respect, dignity? Is this what we call democracy ? Is this what we call 'Republic Nepal' ? If it is then, we don't need one.

And a request to all the female nepali models: Since it becomes much easier to make fake porn stuffs if you wear less clothes, please stop it. Stop Exposing.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

जंगलमा द्रोपति भएर बसेकाले नारी अस्मीताको कुरा गर्न सुहाउँदैन - मिस नेपाल

फेरी मिस नेपाल कै कुरा हो यो । हरेक वर्षविरोध हुँदैआएको सौर्न्दर्य प्रतियोगिता यस वर्षनि विरोध मै फस्यो तर यस वर्षो विरोध भने अलि फरक छ । यस वर्षो विरोधले यो प्रतियोगिता मात्र रोकेन, यस वर्षभाग लिने प्रगियो तिहरुलाई मानसिक तनाव नै दियो ।

कुनैपनि कार्यक्रमको विरोध गर्न अवश्य पाईन्छ, तर हुनै नदिनु भने अहिलेको गणतान्त्रिक नेपालमा बल प्रयोग गरि हुनै नदिनु कत्तिको सुहाउँदो कुरा हो । अझ यतिले नपुगेर प्रतियोगीहरुलाई धम्की, अश्लील कुरा जस्ता घटिया उपाय लगाएर मानसिक तनाव दिनु, के यहि हो मावोबादीको भाषामा गणतन्त्र ?

केहि दिन यता, यस वर्षा मिस नेपालका प्रतियोगीहरुले एक प्रेस भेला गरि यस बारे सबैलाई यस बारे जानकारी दिए । कसैलाई राती १२ बजे फोन गरि धम्क्याउने, कसैलाई अश्लील गालीहरु दिने भने कसैलाई घरबाट निस्केमा पनि नराम्रो हुने जस्ता डर देखाएर के बुझाउन खोजेका हुन त मावोबादी निकट यी मिस नेपाल विरोधीहरुले ?

के हेरेर बसेको छ यो सरकारले - कि साच्चै कांग्रेसका गिरिजाले भने झैं यो कामचलाउ सरकार नै हो ? र अर्कातिर एक पुर्व मिस नेपाल प्रतियोगीले भने झैं जंगलमा द्रोपतिको रुप धरेर बसेकाहरुले अहिले आएर नारी अस्मिताको कुरा गर्दै मिस नेपालको विरोध गर्न सुहाउँछ त ? हाम्रो प्रश्न पनि यहि हो, सुहाउँछ ?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nepali Televion Channels And Their Standard

Nepali television channels are budding these days with more prior to news. With people more aware about the political situation, news channels seems profitable business with zero risk. But it's quiet shameful that such channels are more focused on profit and less on quality broadcast.

One such example we see is the ABC Channel. With most bullshit breaking news and almost all bakwas issues and news documentaries, where are taking nepali news channel's standard ? Comaring with other nepali news channels, the radio jockeys and news readers are unprofessionals. Those animated sets and studios are also of the lowest standard. It's also quiet shameful to see journalists on the channel not able to present better programs and issues, and not even able to interview people keeping upto a certain standard.

So, why are they still on as a nepali satellite channel ? Its quiet clear MONEY MONEY AND MONEY and nothing more. Taking about other channels, Kantipur TV and Avenues rocks. Hats off to them. NTV and NTV2 are still more for the government and less for the people as in the past. Sagarmatha is almost same as ABC, but a bit better. Image Channel is a OK kind. And othes ??? We are speechless about them.

We request all the television channels to keep upto a certain standard, so that whenever a viewer changes a channel from a hindi or any other channel to a nepali, they shouldn't feel like something just went into their eyes.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

रु १०० मा नेपाल बन्द

नेपाल विश्वको एउटै यस्तो देश हो जँहा जसले जति बेला मन लाग्यो त्यति बेला बन्दको घोषण गर्छ र बन्द गर्छ । विश्वका अन्य दे शहरुमा भने देश बन्द गर्ने कार्य हुँदैन र कुनैपनि देशव्यापी विरोधमा पनि विरोध गर्ने ठाउँ, विरोध गर्ने तरिका तोकिएको हुन्छ । तर दुखको कुरा, नेपालको हालत हामी सबैको अगाडी नै छ । यति धेरै नेपाल बन्द गरिन्छ र हरेक चोटि जसले गरेतापनि देशलाई करोडौंको घाटाका साथ बन्द सफल पनि हुन्छ । हरेक कुरामा धेरै भन्दा धेरै असफलता हात पर्ने नेपालमा यहि बन्दमा चाँही संधै सफलता, कसरी ?

यसै प्रश्नको खोजीमा लाग्दा हामीले यस्तो जवाफ पायौं । एउटा राष्ट्र नै बन्द गराउनु त्यति सजिलो नदेखिएतापनि यो वास्तवमा धेरै सजिलो हुँदो रहेछ, यो कुरा हामीलाई अहिले प्रष्ट भएको छ । कुनैपनि पार्टी वा संघ संस्थाले बन्द गराउँदा, त्यसलाई सफल बनाउन पार्टी कार्यकर्ता वा संघ संस्थाका सदस्यहरुको हात हुने जस्तो देखिएतापनि त्यो वास्तवमा हुँदैन । सफल बनाउँछन् सोझा साझा जनताले ।

सबैभन्दा पहिला, साधारण जनताहरु बन्द भन्ने बित्तिकै डरले आफ्ना कामकाज बन्द गर्छन् । अर्कातिर स्कुल कलेज जान अल्छी मान्ने विद्मार्थीहरुलाई बन्द भएमा बिदा हुने गर्दा सडकमा सवारी साधनहरु चल्न नदिई बन्दको अप्रतक्ष रुपमा बन्दको कार्यक्रम सफल बनाइरहेका हुन्छन् । र बन्दको साफलताको पछाडीको भित्री कुरा यस्तो पनि हुन्छ, टन्टलापुर घाममा बाटोमा उभिएर बन्द सफल पार्न भाडाका ट्टुहरु पाइन्छ । हरेक त्यस्ता ट्टुहरुले एक दिनको कार्य सम्पन्न गरेको रु १०० ज्याला लिन्छन् । रु १०० बापत, तोकिएको समयसम्म व्यवसाय बन्द गर्न लगाउने देखि सवारी साधन चल्न नदिने सम्म गर्छन् । यहि हो नेपाल बन्दको तितो सत्य ।